SCROLL DOWN TO SEE AVAILABLE PUPPIES BELOW. Upcoming Litters are on a page by that name.
WE DO NOT SHIP OUR CHIHUAHUA PUPS EXCEPT BY FLIGHT NANNY OR WE CAN MEET WITHIN REASONABL DISTANCE OR PERSONALLY DELIVER AT BUYER’S EXPENSE, cheaper than shipping and much safer for pup. We will also meet at Little Rock airport (LIT) if you want to fly in.
CHIHUAHUAS: ALL our puppies are AKC champion GRANDSIRED. All the dams are also champion pedigreed (most are champion sired). Dogs are all Embarked. Pups normally $1750 to $3500.
All my puppies are on NUVET VITAMIN powder before they go to new homes, use this link to order if you want to keep them on their vitamins:
I want ALL my chi pups kept on their nutrisource puppy food for at least a month after they go to new homes so be sure to buy a small bag before picking up your puppy. My adult dogs are also on NutriSource.
EMAIL: or call/text 870-705-0089 ** CLICK ON PICS BELOW TO ENLARGE or to fix distorted picture!